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fine motor skill3

Smart Toys Design Opportunities for Measuring Children’s Fine Motor Skills Development(2018) Mironcika, S., de Schipper, A., Brons, A., Toussaint, H., Kröse, B., & Schouten, B. (2018, March). Smart toys design opportunities for measuring children's fine motor skills development. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (pp. 349-356). Sensor-augmented toys 1) Tangible toys of tools that aim to train fine motor skills while pla.. 2022. 4. 12.
Studying the Role of Haptic Feedback on Virtual Embodiment in a Drawing Task(2021) Richard, G., Pietrzak, T., Argelaguet, F., Lécuyer, A., & Casiez, G. (2021). Studying the role of haptic feedback on virtual embodiment in a drawing task. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 1, 28. Compared self-reported embodiment under three conditions Force Feedback : more ecological as it matched reality more closely, has significant superiority over the other two sensations. Vibrotactile Feedback.. 2022. 4. 12.
A visuo-haptic device-telemaque-increases kindergarten children's handwriting acquisition(2007) APAPalluel-Germain, Richard, et al. "A visuo-haptic device-telemaque-increases kindergarten children's handwriting acquisition." Second Joint EuroHaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (WHC'07) . IEEE, 2007. Present Research 'Telemaque' increase the fluency of handwriting production of cursive letters Test Fluency was analysed by ki.. 2022. 4. 12.