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Studying the Role of Haptic Feedback on Virtual Embodiment in a Drawing Task(2021)

by hzyiunn 2022. 4. 12.
Richard, G., Pietrzak, T., Argelaguet, F., Lécuyer, A., & Casiez, G. (2021). Studying the role of haptic feedback on virtual embodiment in a drawing task. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 1, 28.

  • Compared self-reported embodiment under three conditions
    • Force Feedback : more ecological as it matched reality more closely, has significant superiority over the other two sensations.
    • Vibrotactile Feedback : more symbolic
    • No Haptic Feedback
  • Virtual Embodiment : studied through Ownership / Agency / Self-location
    • Ownership
      • self-attribution of a body that is the source of flet sensations and it comes from a mix of bottom-up & top-down factors
        • Bottom up : refer to information arising from our sensory organs
        • Top down : refer to cognitive processs that make possible the machanism of embodiment to take place
    • Agency
      • global motor control, including the subjective experience of action, control, intention, motor selection and conscious experience of will
      • based on three principles : Priority / Consistency / Exclusivity
        • Consistency : is defined as the sensory outcome musf fit the predicted outcome "Uncanny Valley"
    • Self-location
      • determinate volume in space where one feels to be located
        • the space is "self-body space" that is complementary to the concept to be presence
  • Hypotheses
    • Haptic feedback would increase the level of ownership
    • Force feedback would elicit a level of ownership higer than vibrotactile feedback
    • Force feedback would elicit higer agency than vibrotactile and no haptic feedback
    • Haptic feedback would increase performance
    • Force feedback would increase it further than tactile feedback
    • Force feedback only would increase the sense of self-location
  • Result
    • Embodiment
      • Overall embodiment x^2(3) = 52.0 p < 0.001
        Agency x^2(2) = 10.9 p = 0.004 A-1 x^2(2) = 11.7 p = 0.003
        Ownership x^2(2) = 11.9 p = 0.002
      • Workload
        • Effort / Frustraion / Mental / Performance / Physical / Temporal
    • Conclusion
      • Force feedback brought a stronger sense of embodiment and ownership
      • Other tasks could be implemented to induce more visibiluty or use of full body avatars and distribute haptic feedbakc differently over the virtual body


